Coco - Rose Face Cream


Our Coco-Rose Face Cream smells amazing and is excellent for super sensitive skin, which may be oily, dry or acne prone!  REALLY!  It penetrates deeply and is non-greasy, leaving your skin feeling silky smooth & hydrated. 

A little goes a long way.. apply a little after your shower, after you use our lemon face scrub, under your makeup (will not run, be greasy or slippery after applied) or before bed. 

It has no artificial ingredients, harsh chemicals or parabens that can result in making your skin dry or sensitive. 

We use the following quality ingredients in our moisturizing cream:  extra virgin organic coconut oil, sweet almond oil, candelilla wax, vitamin E & rose essential oil. 

More of my story…. As you may know, I have seriously sensitive skin (acne prone & both oily & dry…) and I use this product in the morning (awesome under my makeup!), and before I go to bed.  I have very few acne issues since integrating this into my skin care regimen.   I’ve noticed that my skin texture seems smoother and not as greasy.  I know… once I thought the same thing… ‘there is NO way I’m putting OIL on my face!  I already have acne and oily face issues.’ Coconut oil has non-comedogenic and anti-bacterial properties and will NOT clog your pores, but penetrates deeply into your pores, helping to keep them clean.  When you deal with acne, you are so afraid to put products on your face for fear that you will get more acne.  It is so important to keep your face moisturized!  Putting the right product on your face makes ALL the difference.  Read the labels… become informed and never be afraid to ask questions. 

Please note:  coconut oil has a melting point of 75°F and may soften or melt if it gets too warm (an issue we have occasionally in AZ).  You can harden it by putting it into the refrigerator for a bit. 

Product# 115121

